Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What is Temporary Total Disability (TTD)? How is it paid?


TTD is the compensation payable when an injured worker is not able to work due to the allowed conditions in their claim. TTD is requested when the physician of record (POR) completes a C84. Once a period of temporary total disability has been authorized, it will generally continue as long a the POR continues to complete C84's.

TTD will end when:
  1. The POR releases an injured worker to full duty
  2. The injured worker actually returns to work or
  3. the injured worker is found Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI).


TTD is paid at 72% of the Full Weekly Wage (FWW) for the first twelve (12) weeks of compensation. The FWW is based upon the average over all earnings for six (6) weeks prior to the date of injury. After the first twelve (12) TTD is paid at 66 2/3% of the Average Weekly Wage (AWW). The AWW is based upon the average over all earnings for one (1) year prior to the date of injury.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Loss of Use Awards- Ohio BWC Workers' Comp


ORC 4123.57(B) provides for a lump sum amount of monies to be paid out over a period of weeks for an amputated digit or limb. For example: a thumb 60 weeks, a hand 175 weeks or an arm 225 weeks. This award is paid for the number of weeks at the maximum statewide Average Weekly Wage (AWW) for the year of the injury.
To attain a loss of use award does not require an amputation. If you can demonstrate that the digit or limb has ankylosed (i.e. as if it were amputated) you will also qualify for a loss of use award.

A little used provision of this statute provides (at the discretion of the hearing officer) for the the total loss of use of the hand when you have lost the use of two or more fingers. This requires a finding that the claimant's disability is greater than another's based upon the nature of the claimant's employment at the time of the injury.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

One Accident. Multiple Claims. Ohio Workers' Comp.

Generally speaking, when an injury occurs during the course and scope of employment, the only recourse an injured worker has is a worker's compensation claim. The only exceptions are when the negligence of a third party caused the injury or if you can prove that the employer intended to injure the employee.

The most common third party claim we see is a motor vehicle accident that occurs during the course and scope of employment. If one is involved in a motor vehicle accident that is a result of another drivers' negligence, they have the right to pursue an insurance claim against the negligent party. This is in addition to the worker's compensation claim.

The BWC (or self insured employer), however, does have a subrogation right in any recovery gained from the third party. This means that the injured worker must pay back the BWC (or self insured employer) at least what they have paid in the claim worker's comp claim.

An intentional tort is an extraordinarily difficult claim to pursue and has been the cause of much litigation and statutory changes in the law over the years. Under the current law, we must prove that the employer intended to cause injury to their employee.

The most common example of this would be if an employer intentionally removes a guard on a piece of machinery and that results in the employee's arm being pulled into the machine. This type of an injury often results in an amputations of fingers, hand or even the entire arm. These cases are not only difficult but extremely costly to pursue. Generally speaking these cases are only worth pursuing if there is a significant injury.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

MMI (Maximum Medical Improvement) with Self Insured Employers

It seems as though self insured employers have all of a sudden came up with a rather conniving way to declare their employees MMI (Maximum Medical Improvement). I've run into this situation a few times recently and it deserves some attention.

Self Insured Employers- Light Duty Work
Self insured employers quickly get their employee's back to work light duty and simultaneously have an IME (Independent Medical Examination) scheduled. Obviously their doctor finds the injured worker MMI and the employer files a motion to have the TTD (Temporary Total Disability) terminated. Very soon after filing the motion the self insured employer decides that they can no longer provide light duty. This is not exclusively a tactic by the self insured's as I have seen state fund employers use this very same tactic.

Defense Against MMI Finding and TTD Termination
There are plenty of arguments that can be made when this matter comes to hearing. Primarily the appropriateness of the IME itself and the timeliness of employer's motion. Be careful if you encounter this situation.